The forbidden lovechild of the 16-bit console war, Super Genesis combines the capabilites of the SPC700 and the YM2612. In basic structure, sound generation is FM-based, but samples act as the main sound source for each operator, as opposed to just sine waves. In lieu of an SSG, output goes to three SNES-based effects to introduce stereo interest.

Signal flow
Operators → Algorithm → Bit reducer → Filter → Echo → Output

FB: feedback for the first operator.
The screen: displays the loaded waveform. The markers are for the start and loop points of the sample, and (if applicable) are automatically set to whatever's embedded in the .wav on first load.
Power (button): loads a new sample as a sound source. Monophonic samples work best. File size management is paramount.
Reset: resets the markers with the loop starting position at 50%.
Ping-Pong: makes the sample ping-pong between the loop markers.
Tuning: sets the octave, semitone, and fine-tuning (double-click to reset) of the operator.
Amplitude: the amplitude envelope, plus the level of velocity sensitivity.
TL: total level.
The screw between "FMS" and "AMS": the rate of the LFO used for both effects.
FMS: tremolo depth. The switches below send the signal to their corresponding operator.
AMS: vibrato depth. Again, the switches are for sending.
Power (switch): turns the operator on/off.

These are the FM signal paths for the operators. Click on an algorithm to set it as the dry output.

BRR: a bit reducer that goes up to 3 levels and introduces noisiness.
Wet: the effect output.
Dry: the pure algorithm output.
Echo Byp.: deactivates the echo circuit, leaving only the BRR and filter.
Time: delay time for the echo.
Feedback: amount of feedback for the echo. It will not produce output unless sound enters the buffer when it is zeroed. Take caution at high volumes.
LP/HP: changes the FIR filter's type. Both are 8-tap.
Filter: the frequency response of the aforementioned filter.
Out: the master output volume.

Other controls
Load: load a preset.
Save: save a preset.
Glide: portamento time.
Phony: makes the plugin polyphonic or monophonic.